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Mass Times:

Monday: 12:10 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 12:10 pm
Friday: 7:00 am
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am
Sunday: 10:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

2:30 – 4:00 pm Saturdays

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Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/

Mozilla Firefox: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/

Microsoft Edge: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish in Ithaca, NY

We are a Roman Catholic Church located at 113 N. Geneva Street in Ithaca, NY. Whether you are a long-time parishioner or a first time visitor, we’re glad you are here. This is where we gather to meet as brothers and sisters to share our Catholic faith, worship and encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ through the Eucharist. We strive to make our parish a community of God’s love, and communion of hearts. Please join us! 

Sanctuary area with ambo, Altar and High Altar during Ordinary time


a young man kneels and prays in church


Tables of food at a reception

Social Events

Peter and Paul (1981) Directed by Robert Day and starring Anthony Hopkins as Paul and Robert Foxworth as Peter. Peter the Fisherman and Paul of Tarsus assume leadership of the Church as they struggle against violent opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ and their own personal conflicts. Total run time is 3 hours and 18 minutes.

Woman greeter stands at the doorway of the church

Need to Know

First-time Visitor?

We welcome you into our community. Father Chumo, the parish council, and fellow parishioners take great pleasure that you have chosen Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Ithaca to worship our Lord and Savior.  To see new faces and families is a joy and a blessing to our entire congregation. 

Sanctuary area with ambo, Altar and High Altar during Ordinary time

Enjoy the beautiful surroundings
while you worship.

Your presence in our congregation is a true blessing. As we welcome your ideas and presence, may our love and faith in Christ increase during our time together. Subscribe to our Facebook page or Parish app. Contact the parish office for all your spiritual needs. 

Long-time Parishioner?

For our faith-filled parishioners, thank you for being salt and light to our parish and greater community! We hope our website is another way to stay connected with all our parish has to offer. Talk to members of the parish pastoral council and other ministries to explore opportunities to share your talents. 

Mission and Goals Spotlight

Picture of Rev. Augustine Chumo

Rev. Augustine Chumo

Pastor of Immaculate Conception

Third Sunday of Easter

What is the new life in Christ like? During the Easter season we read from the Acts of the Apostles. In this Sunday’s readings the episode after Peter cures the lame man who begged at the beautiful gate of the temple. Peter preaches to the people and this reading is drawn from his homily.

The extraordinary deed that Peter performed draws admiration from all. Peter tells them what he did not do by his own power or holiness. Peter goes on to explain that what has happened is a result of faith in Christ and a sign that Christ is truly Risen and alive.

How can a lame man prove that Christ is risen? What did Jesus do before he died? He cured the sick, fed the hungry, sought the lost, and the list is endless. If these actions continue with the same force and power, it means that Jesus is Risen and alive, and His Spirit is at work in the world.

 This is why Peter repeats: “We are witnesses” The Apostles are witnesses to the resurrection because the work they do prove unequivocally that Jesus is truly Risen and alive. How about us? Can we be witnesses to the resurrection? Indeed, we can. We can if we do what Christ did: feeding the hungry, defending the weak, allaying sorrow, curing the sick and healing the outcast. This is what the new life in the Risen Lord is like. Alleluia!

1. Abundant Spiritual Opportunities

Find Mass Times, Daily Scripture Readings, the Responsorial Psalm for the weekend, along with current listings of Prayer and Adoration times, special services, guest speakers, Bible Studies, and links to resources on the web.

2. Diverse Youth & Family Ministry

We offer different opportunities to engage our youth in their faith, including a flipped Religious Ed Family based program for 1st-5th graders, a middle school and high school youth group, and a hybrid program for Sacrament preparation. In addition, there are service opportunities and youth retreats available.

3. Community Outreach

Our volunteers help bring the Eucharist to the homebound and those living at Cayuga Ridge, coordinate our Food Pantry, and participate in community events. Our Service Team helps feed the hungry and helps support those in need in our community.

4. Financial Transparency | Stewardship

We have an intentional focus on the prudent use of our parish resources and transparent communication of our financial health. Learn more about our Finance Council and access, online Giving or volunteer opportunities.


The 2023/24 Catholic Ministries Appeal with the theme of “Go Forth With Christ” is about a third of the way through the campaign. As of April, one hundred sixty (160) parish households have pledged and/or paid $56,081 toward this year’s campaign. This is 98.39% of the $57,000 goal due to the diocese for this year’s campaign.  Participation is important as a measure of the viability of the parish. We are making excellent progress toward meeting our goal. Thank you to all who have already given.

Make checks payable to CMA. Catholic Ministries Appeal PO Box 6841, Ithaca, NY 14850.

Sanctuary area with Tabernacle, Altar and High Altar during Ordinary time

Post Ministries Profile

Over the past few weeks, we have been featuring our parish ministries. Many thanks for your wonderful response in this endeavor. We are soon to announce the next step we intend to take to enrich our parish ministries. In the meantime, we encourage folks to explore our parish ministries and engage in one or more. Ask questions, if you have any, of the parish ministries. Also, feel free to initiate new ministries to help grow/meet the needs of our parish family. Blessings to all.

Featured Ministry Profile:

Parish Office Volunteer Ministry

Did you ever wonder how those single page inserts get into the bulletin? Or how the office continues to operate so efficiently? It is due, in many parts, to the wonderful office volunteers who give so freely of their time and talent to help keep things organized. Aside from helping to stuff the bulletin and mass letter mailings, these special volunteers help to cover the everyday operations to keep the Parish Office running smoothly when our Office Assistant is out. They will answer the phone and give proper information to the caller, schedule Masses, make copies when needed and perform other tasks as might be required. Volunteers may be called to come in for a few hours a day, or an hour an afternoon, and sometimes the entire day as might be needed. If you are a friendly and organized person, who is willing to give a few hours as needed, and are interested in helping out in the office, please contact Erika at 607-273 -6121 ([email protected]).

Meet our Staff


I am 71 years old and have been a part of Immaculate Conception Church from Baptism through all the other sacraments. My husband and I were married on May 8, 1971 in our Church. Our 2 daughters received all sacraments at IC Church while going to IC School. Our oldest daughter Susan was married in the Church. I have been a choir member since 1997 and a cantor for 20 years.
Loretta Goss
We attend Immaculate Conception because we have found parents with whom to share the struggles and triumphs of raising children in the Catholic faith.
Immaculate Conception Parish has been our home for over 10 years. We love the vibrant and prayerful community and the service oriented mindset.


Other Reasons to Join our Parish

Eucharist Focused

In receiving the body of Christ we are strengthened to be the body of Christ in the world.

Distinctly Marian

The Blessed Mother, Mary. is our parish patroness and the true model of faith. We honor her through prayers of intercession.

Service to the Greatest in Need

Our mission includes striving to be a community of God's love and service in our community and the world.

Healing Confessions

Father Chumo hears confessions each Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:30 pm. This is a healing sacrament enjoyed by many, so come early!

Beautiful Architecture

21 beautiful stained glass windows of the Saints are visible around our church building.

Supportive of New Ideas for Ministry

You'll find a vibrant faith community where ideas are welcome and many hands help to bring them to fruition.

Our Parish in Pictures

Photos courtesy of Claudia Ariza-Nieto, the Brooks family, the Rasmussen family, Erik West, and Anne Woodard