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Receiving God's Grace: Why and How

The 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church


In the gospels, we can read about how John the Baptist called for a baptism for the repentance of signs and for the people to prepare the way of the Lord.  Jesus himself was baptized by John in the Jordan River. Jesus did not need to be baptized but chose to be baptized to set an example for us.  We do need to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to accept our calling to be part of God’s family. 

Wondering where to begin?


A preparation session is required before the baptism of your child. Please call 607-273-6121 prior to your due date for an appointment. <br>

Children <7 yrs of age

For children under the age of seven, you begin by simply calling our parish office at 607-273-6121 and speaking with Rich Rasmussen, Director of Multi-Parish Faith Formation. <br>


If you are an adult who has never been baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination and wish to become Catholic, then RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the place to begin. 

First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation

Preparation for First Reconciliation is solely about preparing the children to celebrate the sacrament of Penace/Confession, and is separate from Religious Education. Diocesan guidelines state that children must be enrolled and participating in a religious education program for one year prior to celebrating the sacrament. 

For those who have already received first reconciliation, Confession is held in our church every Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30pm for anyone wishing to attend.

What is the process at this parish?

First Reconciliation preparation is unique in our parish in that children work in both an online space and in gathered sessions. The online component is utilized to deliver the information (definitions, concepts, ideas etc). The gathered sessions are utilized as a way of taking what is learned online and putting that information into practice. Gathered sessions incorporate active learning as a way of incorporating the heart response to our faith and the sacrament. The design of the preparation sessions is learner centered and intended to meet the unique needs of the youth who participate. Please contact Rich Rasmussen, Director of Multi-Parish Faith Formation, for more information. 

First Eucharist

Preparation for First Eucharist is solely about preparing the children to celebrate the sacrament of Communion, and is separate from Religious Education. Diocesan guidelines state that children must be enrolled and participating in a religious education program for one year prior to celebrating the sacrament.

What is the process at this parish?

First Eucharist Preparation is unique in our parish in that children work in both an online space and in gathered sessions. The online component is utilized to deliver the information (definitions, concepts, ideas etc). The gathered sessions are utilized as a way of taking what is learned online and putting that information into practice. Gathered sessions incorporate active learning as a way of incorporating the heart response to our faith and the sacrament. The design of the preparation sessions is learner centered and intended to meet the unique needs of the youth who participate. The celebration of this sacrament typically takes place in May of each year. Please contact Rich Rasmussen, Director of Multi-Parish Faith Formation, for more information. 


Confirmation is a reaffirmation of our Baptismal vows, where the candidate reaffirms and makes their own personal profession of their Baptismal promises. 

What is the process at this parish?

Confirmation in the Diocese of Rochester is a two year process beginning no sooner than eighth grade. We utilize the Middle School and High School Youth Group session as the preparation sessions for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This makes the process a more natural part of youth programming and the time commitment on the part of families easier to navigate. So, young people wishing to celebrate the sacrament must be enrolled in the Middle School and/or High School Youth Group, which generally meets on a weekly basis throughout the school year. The registration process begins in mid-August. Please contact Rich Rasmussen, Director of Multi-Parish Faith Formation, for more information. 


Marriage is a covenant based on love for and commitment to one another. In marriage, a couple is called to support and nurture each other so that they can be the best version of themselves that they can be.

How can I begin preparations?

Preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church is a process and the earlier a couple can begin planning the better.  Couples are encouraged to contact the parish office (607-273-6121) at least six months in advance of your anticipated wedding date to begin the preparation process.

If you are in the process of setting a date for your wedding, we congratulate you and are looking forward to walking with you in your journey toward marriage. May the love that Mary and Joseph shared for each other fill and guide you in your marriage. 

Anointing of the Sick

While Jesus (and the Apostles) performed miraculous healings, the Anointing of the Sick should not be seen as simply asking for physical healing. When we are sick, we may suffer physically and spiritually. While our prayers may include asking for a miracle, the sacrament is about strengthening and knowing that God is with us granting us peace, love, and grace. Unlike the sacraments of baptism and confirmation, which are celebrated only once in a person’s life, the anointing of the sick can be received as often as needed and is not only for those who are actively dying. For example, those with a serious illness or those preparing for surgery or major medical procedure can receive the sacrament.

Whom do I contact for this Sacrament?

If you or your loved one have any serious illness, or may be in the process of actively dying, please call our parish office at 607-273-6121, to request this sacrament. 

Holy Orders | Religious Life

In our baptism, we are called to use the gifts we have been given to serve others and to proclaim the gospel to all people. Some people have a particular call to serve God by becoming a priest, deacon or religious. Priests and deacons are ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders while religious take vows. Serving in this way is truly a calling from God.

Do you feel God calling you?

Do you feel God calling you to serve as a priest, deacon or to religious life?

– Talk with our pastor, Father Chumo at 607-273-6121 or email him at
-Contact your Vocations Office. (In Rochester- Diocese of Rochester Vocations page)


The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults OCIA (and the Order of Christian Initiation for Children OCIC) is for anyone over age 7, who:

has never been baptized OR

  • has been baptized in another Christian religion OR
  • has been baptized Catholic, but has not received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

Is God calling you?

Do you have questions about the Catholic faith, or does someone you know have questions? Do you know anyone who is considering the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church? Are you yourself considering this possibility? Perhaps now is the time that God is calling you to action, whether on your behalf or on the behalf of another. Please contact Deacon Dan Hurley for more information.

Weather Notice

Parish Office Closed

With today's weather (2/6/2025) and the Ithaca City School District being closed, the Immaculate Conception parish office will be closed today. We will still hold Mass in the church at 12:10 p.m. today, but as always please be careful. Stay safe and warm everyone.

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