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Mass Times:

Monday: 12:10 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 12:10 pm
Friday: 7:00 am
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am
Sunday: 10:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

2:30 – 4:00 pm Saturdays

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Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/

Mozilla Firefox: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/

Microsoft Edge: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish in Ithaca, NY

We are a Roman Catholic Church located at 113 N. Geneva Street in Ithaca, NY. Whether you are a long-time parishioner or a first time visitor, we’re glad you are here. This is where we gather to meet as brothers and sisters to share our Catholic faith, worship and encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ through the Eucharist. We strive to make our parish a community of God’s love, and communion of hearts. Please join us! 



a young man kneels and prays in church


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Pope's Intentions for December


For pilgrims of hope

We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthens our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.

How Do You Spend One Hour In The Presence of Jesus?

The Eucharistic Revival Team has asked me to share how I pray in the presence of Jesus during Adoration. Well, this is how I have prayed many times: I begin with deep gratitude for the gracious presence of the Lord who shows up for me in all His glory and for the world. He longs to be with me more than I long for him. After prayer of gratitude, which is often spontaneous, I pause for an extended silence, knowing He is there with me. Silence is not easy but necessary. This is followed by examination of conscience, repentance and resolution to be faithful. Before concluding my hour, I make prayer of petitions: for the sick, poor, the homeless, the elderly who are lonely, for our parish and for all parishioners, for the Church and for the mission of Christ in the world. My conclusion always contains words of more gratitude and renewed commitment to love the Lord deeply and to serve Him and His people with greater love.

Monthly Prayer Requests for Priests

Visit the calendar webpage

Multiple Prayer Opportunities
  • Daily Rosary after Mass during the week.
  • Adoration with Rosary every Saturday 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
  • Music meditation Sundays at 3:30 PM followed by vespers at 4:00 PM
  • Rosary in Spanish Mondays at 5PM Animar. Ven a estar junto a Jesus y Maria orando y meditando los misterios del Santo Rosario en espanol los lunes a las 5:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. Todos son bienvenidos. La puerta lateral del estacionamiento estara abierta. Greetings. Come to be together with Jesus and Mary praying and meditating on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary in Spanish on Mondays at 5:00pm in the Church. All are welcome.
  • First Friday Devotions, Adoration with Benediction: First Fridays. December 6th: Sung Lauds (Morning Prayer, in English) at 7:00am, Mass at 7:30am, and Adoration from 8:00am-3:00pm, with Benediction at 3pm. 
  • First Saturday Mass: on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am there is Mass with children leading the music.
  • Taizé Prayer: First Sundays at 4:00pm on  10/6, 11/3, 12/1
  • Night Song: 2nd Thursday of each month beginning at 8:00pm. This is always a wonderful way to end the day and relax and reflect.
tables of food at a reception


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Knights Council Dinner 12/12

The Knights Council and Assembly will hold a dinner social event for Knights and spouses in the Parish Hall on 12/12 at 7pm. Please contact Tristan Thornton at 616-389-7253 by 12/10 to let us know if you will attend.

Woman greeter stands at the doorway of the church

Need to Know

To expand the information below, select the title or the > icon. 

Solemnity of Immaculate Conception 12/9

Monday, December 9th we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. It is a Holy Day of obligation and our Feast Day. Masses are held at 12:10pm & 7:00pm. See the insert in the bulletin with explanations for moving the Solemnity to December 9th.

Church Availability and Access

The church is open weekdays from 6:00am through 5:30pm for Prayer. Lately, there have been many attempted break-ins occurring in the evenings, or people are looking for shelter from the cold which trip the alarms. Beginning this week, the doors will also be physically locked at 5:30pm daily. We appreciate your understanding.

Care during Flu Season

IMPORTANT NOTICE . As we are in Flu Season, and with COVID variant still prevalent, we continue to urge people to refrain from shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. Anyone feeling ill is urged to stay home. Let’s get through this season safely! Thank you so much for your cooperation in this matter.

Winter Weather Guidelines

If Ithaca City Schools CLOSE due to winter weather, the Office will also CLOSE, and the 7:30am Daily Mass is cancelled. Check the MyParish app as all updates will be listed. You can download the parish app by going to the app store on your cell phone and search for MyParish App. Once it is loaded, search for Immaculate Conception Church, Ithaca. Click on the parish and you are all set.

Christmas Flowers and Decorations - Deadline Dec 18th

Many Parishioners have received the Christmas Flower Envelopes with their personalized envelopes. There are additional envelopes available in the church for anyone who wishes to donate in memory/honor of a loved one. These do not automatically renew, so you must contact the office if you wish to have your prior intention included. Deadline: December 18, 2023.

Notify the Caring Team for Notes or Prayer Shawls

The Care and Concern Committee of the Church sends cards to church members in nursing homes. However, often people in our congregation are in the hospital, healing at home or are at rehabilitation centers to gain strength. We want to be sure that our church family knows that we’re thinking of them and praying for them. If someone you know would be blessed by receiving a card, please send the contact information (name and address) to cbgracem@gmail.com…so the Holy Spirit can touch lives one card at a time.

Is there someone you know who could use a warm, cozy shawl that comes with a prayer to help brighten their day? We have Prayer Shawls available for people to hand out. These shawls have been knitted by members of the parish with love and hope that they can help make a difference in someone’s life. Please contact the Caring Team or Parish Office  607/273-6121 if you would like one.

Advent Opportunities - Booklets are Available

Advent season is around the corner and Advent booklets are available. Kindly use the book to help you and your family pray and nourish your faith during this holy season. Also, if you know anyone, especially our homebound sisters and brothers, feel free to bring one to each one of them. We will share with everyone spiritual opportunities available to us during Advent. Stay tuned.

New 2025 Lector Workbooks are available in Sacristy

The new 2025 Liturgical Year Lector Workbooks are now available in the Sacristy for all Lectors. Please come and take one (1) per family.

CMA: Extending Christ's Mission

We are off to a good start! Participation by all is key to reaching our goal. There are many ways to make donations. There are envelopes available at the entrances of the church if you did not receive one from the mail. An online donation link is available on the DOR website. If you prefer to donate in any other way, kindly call the parish office for more information. Christ’s Mission depends on each one of us.

CMA Goal: $64,000

Current  Status: Donors – 84  Percentage: 38.58% $24,690

Church Care

Let’s all take care of our church by observing the following:

  • No wet umbrellas on the pews or the aisles. Leave the umbrellas in the foyer area/ entrances of the church.
  • Avoid leaving bulletins on the pews.
  • Keep the hymnals where they belong after Mass.
  • Kneelers are only used for kneeling, not for placing our feet on, the cushions will wear out quickly.

The goal is to keep the church in order to serve its purpose effectively: a sacred place of prayer with minimal distractions. We thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.

Lost and Found

Have you lost anything or left something in the pews? It is probably well kept in the lost and found basket. There are precious items in the basket. Kindly stop by the lost and found basket located on the northern side of the church and see what is in there. It is full and we need to empty it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. probably well kept in the lost and found basket. There are precious items in the basket. Kindly stop by the lost and found basket located on the northern side of the church and see what is in there. It is full and we need to empty it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

Voice from the Pew

Your voice matters. If you have a suggestion, good idea around the pastoral goals of the parish; spiritual opportunities, outreach/community building, youth and family, buildings/grounds, cemetery and financial matters, kindly stop by the pastoral council meetings that occur every first Thursday of each month. You will be listened to because you love your parish. items in the basket. Kindly stop by the lost and found basket located on the northern side of the church and see what is in there. It is full and we need to empty it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

When are Confessions heard?

Confessions are heard every Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30pm in the Church.

Sacrament: Seeking Anointing of the Sick?

Call 273-6121 to receive this Sacrament or if your loved one is in the hospital.

Sacraments: Seeking Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation?

For Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation email Rich at rich.rasmussen@dor.org for information or to register.

Sacrament: Getting Married?

Call 607-273-6121 at least 6 months in advance of your wedding date.

First-time Visitor?

The parish of Immaculate Conception welcomes you. And we thank you for being here!! Let us know if you need anything. We wish you all of God’s blessings for choosing to celebrate the Eucharist with us. May the intercession of our Blessed Mother obtain for you the graces you need to live your Christian vocation.


Enjoy the beautiful surroundings
while you worship.

Your presence in our congregation is a true blessing. As we welcome your ideas and presence, may our love and faith in Christ increase during our time together. Subscribe to our Facebook page or Parish app. Contact the parish office for all your spiritual needs. 

Long-time Parishioner?

For our faith-filled parishioners, thank you for being salt and light to our parish and greater community! We hope our website is another way to stay connected with all our parish has to offer. Talk to members of the parish pastoral council and other ministries to explore opportunities to share your talents. 

Mission and Goals Spotlight

Picture of Rev. Augustine Chumo

Rev. Augustine Chumo

Pastor of Immaculate Conception

Second Sunday of Advent

The readings for the second Sunday of Advent speak of the merciful interventions of God in favor of humanity. In the first reading his salvation is manifested through the return of the exiled Israelites to Jerusalem.

The Babylonians had invaded Israel and devastated and deported its inhabitants. After many years, one day, a prophet appears and announces great news: Jerusalem your mourning is over. Take off your tattered clothes and put on a fine cloak. The Lord is about to crown you with a diadem of glory and all creatures will admire your beauty. The prophet tells Jerusalem not to sit on dust, but to stand up and run to the mountain top and look to the East and see their children returning in triumph. Their former torturers have become their servants. Jerusalem is given new names, the peace of justice and the glory of God’s wordship.

 The gospel explains how the promises of salvation made by the prophets came true. Luke tells us it all began when the Word of God was addressed to a man named John, son of Zachariah in the desert, and it is specific as to when it exactly took place.

 The second reading tells us of the day of the Lord that is coming to the life of every person. This is the message of Advent season; that the Lord is coming to do His work of salvation in the world. What should we do to welcome Him? Pray and ask the Lord to renew your life, your inner life so you can receive the blessing of salvation. We are loved by God, that is why He is intervening to reach out to us with His merciful love.


1. Abundant Spiritual Opportunities

Find Mass Times, Daily Scripture Readings, the Responsorial Psalm for the weekend, along with current listings of Prayer and Adoration times, special services, guest speakers, Bible Studies, and links to resources on the web.

2. Diverse Youth & Family Ministry

We offer different opportunities to engage our youth in their faith, including a flipped Religious Ed Family based program for 1st-5th graders, a middle school and high school youth group, and a hybrid program for Sacrament preparation. In addition, there are service opportunities and youth retreats available.

3. Community Outreach

Our volunteers help bring the Eucharist to the homebound and those living at Cayuga Ridge, coordinate our Food Pantry, and participate in community events. Our Service Team helps feed the hungry and helps support those in need in our community.

4. Financial Transparency | Stewardship

We have an intentional focus on the prudent use of our parish resources and transparent communication of our financial health. Learn more about our Finance Council and access, online Giving or volunteer opportunities.

Meet our Staff


I am 71 years old and have been a part of Immaculate Conception Church from Baptism through all the other sacraments. My husband and I were married on May 8, 1971 in our Church. Our 2 daughters received all sacraments at IC Church while going to IC School. Our oldest daughter Susan was married in the Church. I have been a choir member since 1997 and a cantor for 20 years.
Loretta Goss
We attend Immaculate Conception because we have found parents with whom to share the struggles and triumphs of raising children in the Catholic faith.
Immaculate Conception Parish has been our home for over 10 years. We love the vibrant and prayerful community and the service oriented mindset.


Other Reasons to Join our Parish

Eucharist Focused

In receiving the body of Christ we are strengthened to be the body of Christ in the world.

Distinctly Marian

The Blessed Mother, Mary. is our parish patroness and the true model of faith. We honor her through prayers of intercession.

Service to the Greatest in Need

Our mission includes striving to be a community of God's love and service in our community and the world.

Healing Confessions

Father Chumo hears confessions each Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:30 pm. This is a healing sacrament enjoyed by many, so come early!

Beautiful Architecture

21 beautiful stained glass windows of the Saints are visible around our church building.

Supportive of New Ideas for Ministry

You'll find a vibrant faith community where ideas are welcome and many hands help to bring them to fruition.

Our Parish in Pictures

Photos courtesy of Claudia Ariza-Nieto, the Brooks family, the Rasmussen family, Erik West, and Anne Woodard