Mass Times:
Monday: 12:10 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 12:10 pm
Friday: 7:00 am
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am
Sunday: 10:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
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Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish!
We are a Roman Catholic Church located at 113 N. Geneva Street in Ithaca, NY. Whether you are a long-time parishioner or a first time visitor, we’re glad you are here. This is where we gather to meet as brothers and sisters to share our Catholic faith, worship and encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ through the Eucharist. We strive to make our parish a community of God’s love, and communion of hearts. Please join us!
Tap on a title or the > icon to read more.
Rosary in Spanish every Monday at 5:00 PM
Daily Mass: Monday and Thursday 12.10 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 AM. Rosary is said after each Mass.
We are happy to let everyone know that we have added one weekly Holy Hour at the request of many parishioners beginning Monday January 27th, 2025 6.30—7.30 PM. This is inspired by the ongoing Eucharistic Revival. All are welcome. Time with Jesus is time well spent. This will be silent and meditative, privileged time. Bring your specific intentions to Jesus. Occasionally, we will identify some common intentions as a faith community to present to Jesus.
Night songs/vespers: Every other Thursday at 8:00 PM
Communal Lauds: First Friday at 7:00 AM prior to Mass
Music meditation and vespers: will be announced.
Visit the calendar webpage.
The Eucharistic Revival Team has asked me to share how I pray in the presence of Jesus during Adoration. Well, this is how I have prayed many times: I begin with deep gratitude for the gracious presence of the Lord who shows up for me in all His glory and for the world. He longs to be with me more than I long for him. After prayer of gratitude, which is often spontaneous, I pause for an extended silence, knowing He is there with me. Silence is not easy but necessary. This is followed by examination of conscience, repentance and resolution to be faithful. Before concluding my hour, I make prayer of petitions: for the sick, poor, the homeless, the elderly who are lonely, for our parish and for all parishioners, for the Church and for the mission of Christ in the world. My conclusion always contains words of more gratitude and renewed commitment to love the Lord deeply and to serve Him and His people with greater love.
The parish of Immaculate Conception welcomes you. And we thank you for being here!! Let us know if you need anything. We wish you all of God’s blessings for choosing to celebrate the Eucharist with us. May the intercession of our Blessed Mother obtain for you the graces you need to live your Christian vocation.
Highlights from the bulletin and FAQs are listed below. Tap on a title or > to read more.
If Ithaca City Schools CLOSE due to winter weather, the Office will also CLOSE, and the 7:30am Daily Mass is cancelled. Check the MyParish app as all updates will be listed. You can download the parish app by going to the app store on your cell phone and search for MyParish App. Once it is loaded, search for Immaculate Conception Church, Ithaca. Click on the parish and you are all set.
Please visit our bulletin page.
Do you want to deepen your faith and progress on your journey to sainthood with a small group of faithful Catholics? If so, consider joining us to follow the path of Divine Mercy as taught by Saint Faustina and instituted by St. John Paul II. We will study the Diary of St. Faustina, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and scripture to enrich our faith and prayer life and to reflect on the meaning and impact of divine mercy in our lives. We follow a created curriculum and do a small amount of reading to prepare for our meetings. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5:30pm in the Parish Center. For more information, including materials about Divine Mercy, send an email to or text 607-227-3884.
The women’s ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) group will resume with a new study on Wednesday, January 18, 2025, at 7:00 in the Parish Hall. New members are welcome. We will be studying Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God is Love (Deus Caritas Est). From the Endow website: “In his first encyclical,
God Is Love, promulgated on Christmas Day, 2005, Benedict XVI expounds on the reality of love. He knows that the word “love” has been distorted and its meaning tarnished — and this letter calls us back to the foundational truths about love.” Please contact Trish at if you would like more information on the group or this study or would like to join us.
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour 1s prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop – a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. This ministry consists of seven (or more) women and men who each pray one holy hour on
their specific day of the week for our priest. This ensures that
every day a holy hour is being prayed for our pastor. The holy hour is preferably prayed in the church in front of the tabernacle. It is an incredible feeling to be sitting with Jesus in a quiet, empty church for one hour totally devoted to praying for our priest. If you would like to join us or
would like more information, please send an email to
We are off to a good start! Participation by all is key to reaching our goal. There are many ways to make donations. There are envelopes available at the entrances of the church if you did not receive one from the mail. An online donation link is available on the DOR website. If you prefer to donate in any other way, kindly call the parish office for more information. Christ’s Mission depends on each one of us.
CMA Goal: $64,000
Current Status: Donors – 132 Percentage: 60.31% $38,660
The parish wishes to sincerely thank all those who have participated in the ongoing census. We however, would like
to encourage those who have not done so to kindly do so as soon as possible. You can complete the exercise online or use the census cards that are available in the main entrances of the church. If you have any question regarding this exercise do not hesitate to ask any member of the pastoral council or the parish staff. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
As 2024 comes to an end and 2025 is beginning, the Calvary Cemetery management and the Cemetery Advisory Committee wish you good health and prosperity. This may be a good opportunity to update you on the workings of the committee. The Cemetery Advisory Committee is mandated by the Diocese of Rochester for parishes who have cemeteries. The mission of the Committee is to assist the Pastor in managing the cemetery including assessment of conditions, maintenance strategies, safety issues and financial matters. Current members of the Advisory Committee are: Jim Moravec, Chair, Curt Ashman, Vice Chair, Mary Alo, Secretary, Dan Weed, Kathy Teeter, Finance Council Member. Parish administration members are Father Chumo, Pastor and Mike Moravec, Cemetery Manager.
While Father Chumo and Mike Moravec are the primary contacts for cemetery matters, each of us stands ready to take questions and/or concerns. We all strive to continue making our cemetery a well-maintained and pleasant place where family and friends can visit their loved ones after their passing.
Cemetery focus areas in 2025 include (1.) Replacing the old flag pole with the one from the grounds of the old school, (2. ) Improving/repairing cemetery roads. (3.) Creating a 5-year plan for the Cemetery. (4.) Review the condition of cemetery buildings and grounds.
IMPORTANT NOTICE . As we are in Flu Season, and with COVID variant still prevalent, we continue to urge people to refrain from shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. Anyone feeling ill is urged to stay home. Let’s get through this season safely! Thank you so much for your cooperation in this matter.
The Care and Concern Committee of the Church sends cards to church members in nursing homes. However, often people in our congregation are in the hospital, healing at home or are at rehabilitation centers to gain strength. We want to be sure that our church family knows that we’re thinking of them and praying for them. If someone you know would be blessed by receiving a card, please send the contact information (name and address) to…so the Holy Spirit can touch lives one card at a time.
Is there someone you know who could use a warm, cozy shawl that comes with a prayer to help brighten their day? We have Prayer Shawls available for people to hand out. These shawls have been knitted by members of the parish with love and hope that they can help make a difference in someone’s life. Please contact the Caring Team or Parish Office 607/273-6121 if you would like one.
Have you lost anything or left something in the pews? It is probably well kept in the lost and found basket. There are precious items in the basket. Kindly stop by the lost and found basket located on the northern side of the church and see what is in there.
Your voice matters. If you have a suggestion, good idea around the pastoral goals of the parish; spiritual opportunities, outreach/community building, youth and family, buildings/grounds, cemetery and financial matters, kindly stop by the pastoral council meetings that occur every first Thursday of each month. You will be listened to because you love your parish.
Confessions are heard every Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30pm in the Church.
Call 273-6121 to receive this Sacrament or if your loved one is in the hospital.
For Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation email Rich at for information or to register.
Call 607-273-6121 at least 6 months in advance of your wedding date.
For our faith-filled parishioners, thank you for being salt and light to our parish and greater community! We hope our website is another way to stay connected with all our parish has to offer. Talk to members of the parish pastoral council and other ministries to explore opportunities to share your talents.
Immaculate Conception Church is Open Daily from 6:00am – 5:30pm
Parish Center Hours
8:00 am – 4:00 pm (closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm)
Monday thru Thursday
Phone: 607-273-6121
Your presence in our congregation is a true blessing. As we welcome your ideas and presence, may our love and faith in Christ increase during our time together. Subscribe to our Facebook page or Parish app. Contact the parish office for all your spiritual needs.
Pastor of Immaculate Conception
Thank you!
An enormous amount of thanks go out to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make the pasta dinner a huge success! The food was delicious and plentiful and the atmosphere was so friendly and welcoming. Thank you also to all who attended. Sharing food and fellowship is a wonderful way of strengthening our community. Your generosity of time, talent and treasure is greatly appreciated!
In receiving the body of Christ we are strengthened to be the body of Christ in the world.
The Blessed Mother, Mary. is our parish patroness and the true model of faith. We honor her through prayers of intercession.
Our mission includes striving to be a community of God's love and service in our community and the world.
Father Chumo hears confessions each Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:30 pm. This is a healing sacrament enjoyed by many, so come early!
21 beautiful stained glass windows of the Saints are visible around our church building.
You'll find a vibrant faith community where ideas are welcome and many hands help to bring them to fruition.
Photos courtesy of Claudia Ariza-Nieto, the Brooks family, the Rasmussen family, Erik West, and Anne Woodard
113 N Geneva Street Ithaca, NY | 607-273-6121 | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Please call 607-273-6121 if you or a loved one is hospitalized, and/or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites).
With today's weather (2/6/2025) and the Ithaca City School District being closed, the Immaculate Conception parish office will be closed today. We will still hold Mass in the church at 12:10 p.m. today, but as always please be careful. Stay safe and warm everyone.
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