There are many opportunities to get involved at Immaculate Conception Parish! We have many parish committees and many liturgical roles to support three Masses each weekend. In addition, there are multiple ministries, community partnerships, and small Catholic communities where you can get involved and bring your gifts and talents to serve our parish community and surrounding areas. Explore all the ministries and committees below.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:35-40
The Liturgy (Mass) is the “source and summit” of our Catholic worship and calls each of us to active participation in it. Many individuals help make the liturgy possible through the use of their gifts and talents as readers, altar servers, cantors, instrumentalists, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, etc. Do you feel called to serve the parish in any of the ways mentioned? If so, we welcome you to share those gifts with us.
Click or tap a title below to learn more.
Extend your hospitality by greeting those entering our church and answering any questions they may have.
Ushers greet people and assist them to find open seats, assist with the collection and presentation of the gifts, and serve as sources of information for visitors.
Altar Servers assist the Priest and Deacon in the Sanctuary area during the Mass.
Lectors read the First and Second Readings, the Prayers of the Faithful and any announcements at the end of Mass. Lectors sit in the Sanctuary area during Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest and Deacon to distribute the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord during Communion.
Our parish music ministry leads and supports the congregation as we strive for full, conscious, and active participation in our liturgies. Through singing praise to God as a community, our diverse voices truly become unified as the Body of Christ. Our choirs rehearse weekly to provide music that reflects the beauty of our Roman Catholic tradition, incorporating a variety of musical styles from the universal Church and our multi-cultural community. Please visit our Music Ministry page or email the Music Director to learn how volunteering your musical gifts can enrich our liturgies and help us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Sacristans are an essential part of preparation for the Eucharistic celebration. The Sacristan sets out the sacred vessels and altar linens that the Priest uses during the consecration of the Eucharist at Mass. This allows the Priest to proceed with the Liturgy of the Eucharist without interruption while the members of the congregation sing or pray.
The time commitment is relatively brief: approximately a half hour before Mass, we arrange the sacred vessels and linens on the altar credence table and then prepare the wine, water and hosts for the Priest to use during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. After Mass, we wash the sacred vessels and put them away for use at the next Mass.
There are slight differences between the procedures for Sunday and Daily Masses. We work as a team to set up our schedule and substitute for one another when necessary. If you’re interested in joining this important Ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
There are several Parish Committees that serve Father Chumo and the parish community in various roles. Consider joining one of our Parish Committees!
Click or tap a title below to learn more.
The Immaculate Conception Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) serves as an advisory body to the pastor on matters concerning the life and pastoral ministry of our parish.
PPC focuses on the development and implementation of the mission, vision, proprieties and direction of our parish. PPC members represent a demographic cross-section of our parish, actively engaged in multiple ministries and representative of the interests and perspectives of our parish members. PPC meets regularly throughout September to June. Parish members are always welcome to sit in on our meetings, to contact our PPC representatives to share your ideas or concerns.
The Building and Grounds Committee provides expertise and input on maintenance issues, upkeep, and renovations. Members of the committee include Tom Robinson, Anne Adesso, Marie Terlizzi, Matthew Hall, Margaret Carney and Fr. Chumo. These individuals have played an instrumental role in the renovations project. View more about the project on our Church Renewal page.
The Cemetery Advisory committee is a sub-committee of the Parish Finance Council. As defined by the guidelines set forth by the diocese of Rochester, our mission is to assist the Pastor in managing the parish cemeteries by providing operational and fiduciary oversight for the wellbeing of the cemeteries. We consider ourselves, like many others, a service group in the parish. It is our objective to provide our parish and our local community with informed options for memorialization of their loved ones at Calvary cemetery. These include traditional in-ground burials, interment in our mausoleum and newly developed columbarium and cremation garden. We are always searching for new ideas to improve our services. We welcome new members to assist in our efforts. Meetings are held once a month. Anyone interested in learning more about the Committee or possibly joining the team should contact Fr. Chumo at the Parish Office or visit our website for more information at Our Cemeteries page.
The US Catholic Church has entered a three-year movement focused on Eucharistic Revival that began in June on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Chartered by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the movement is designed to restore Catholic’s belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Visit our Eucharistic Revival page to learn more.
The Finance Council meets on a monthly basis and periodically reviews parish financial reports, such as budgets, balance sheets, and income statements. It also provides advice on management of parish finances and reviews parish investments. Visit our Financial Stewardship page to learn more.
A visible prayer garden with a Mary shrine for parishioners and members of the community to pray in a beautiful location by our church. Click on the title or icon of this section to see images of the blessing and installation ceremony.
Help us find creative ways to provide updated information, resources, and catechesis to our parishioners and broader community. If you are interested in learning more, click to send us a note.
There are several different programs available to help our youth grow closer to God while learning the precepts of our Catholic faith including the Family Based program and youth ministry for high schoolers. If you would like to learn more about how you can help, please click to email Rich Rasmussen.
Did you ever wonder how those single page inserts get into the bulletin? Or how the office continues to operate so efficiently? It is due, in many parts, to the wonderful office volunteers who give so freely of their time and talent to help keep things organized. Aside from helping to stuff the bulletin and mass letter mailings, these special volunteers help to cover the everyday operations to keep the Parish Office running smoothly when our Office Assistant is out. They will answer the phone and give proper information to the caller, schedule Masses, make copies when needed and perform other tasks as might be required. Volunteers may be called to come in for a few hours a day, or an hour an afternoon, and sometimes the entire day as might be needed. If you are a friendly and organized person, who is willing to give a few hours as needed, and are interested in helping out in the office, please contact Erika at 607-273 -6121 or click to email Erika at
Extra hands are always needed to help prepare the church for liturgical changes during the year. This group is coordinated by Lyn Mazza. If you are interested in helping, please click to send us a note.
These volunteers keep an eye on the flowers at the Marian Shrine inside the church, to replace them or exchange them as the need arises. Use your own creativity! This is ideal for anyone who enjoys working with flowers or has a flair for creativity. Contact the office or click to send us a note of interest.
You’re invited to take part in a new adult faith formation opportunity at our Parish called “Wisdom of the Church”. We’ll be studying Church teaching that focuses on living our faith in the world. This new group will start by reading some shorter writings by St. Pope John Paul. All are welcome. If you’ve never read a papal document, or if you’ve read all of them, this is the group for you! Just come with a willingness to listen, discuss, and grow in faith with others. The sessions take place on Sundays right after the 10:30am Mass (approximately 11:40am) in the conference room in the Parish Center.
Supports the various “events” in the parish.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinators: Mary Edsall-Golway and Chris Wells
The Hospitality Ministry at Immaculate Conception is designed to support the various “events” in the Parish. Our aim is to provide refreshments to assist in making the event a welcoming experience and to build community. Individuals, families or groups can help with baking, cooking, purchasing beverages or other items and set-up or clean-up for events. Coffee (Social) Hours are generally scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month, September through June, after the 8:30 and 10:30am Masses. Groups sign up for these, but are assisted by the Hospitality Team. Funeral Receptions after Funeral Masses are offered, when requested by the family. Operating as “The Martha Ministry’, we provide these receptions (paid for by the family). Other special events supported often include receptions after the Easter Vigil; Luncheon or supper on certain feast days such as Immaculate Conception. Light Refreshments are made available before and after presentations made by various
staff and other speakers. Refreshments are offered when dignitaries such as Bishop Matano visit. Everyone is invited to assist in the “events” in whatever capacity that best fits their time and talents. This Ministry is an easy way to meet people in the Parish, provides and opportunity to keep in touch with friends and the time commitments is very flexible to fit individual schedules.
Mary Edsall-Golway: or 607-564-0673
Chris Wells: or 607-227-9156
Show the homebound and elderly parishioners that they are not forgotten.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Nancy Iacovelli
Our parish has many homebound and elderly parishioners. The mission of the Care Ministry is to show them that they are not forgotten. It involves sending cards for the various events in people’s lives. We send “Thinking of You”, “Get Well”, Birthday, Anniversary, and sympathy cards. Our main focus is to make sure that everyone is remembered and thought of. In our day-to-day world, people are easily forgotten, especially if we don’t see them on a regular basis. This ministry is a way to keep our elderly and homebound connected to our parish family and the love of Christ. The time involved is a few hours or less a month and is done on one’s own time. Cards and postage are provided. If anyone knows a parishioner over 80, or a homebound parishioner, of any age, who is not currently receiving cards, please contact Nancy Iacovelli at (linked below) or the Parish Office 607-273-6121. If you might be interested in participating and helping out in this ministry, please contact us!
Visiting and bringing the Eucharist to those who are homebound and in nursing homes.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Rick Burgess
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
With these words from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus calls us to serve the least among us. We don’t have to look far; here in Ithaca there are fellow Catholics, many of them parishioners of Immaculate Conception, who now find themselves confined to a nursing home facility or to their own home. They cannot readily attend Mass — but we can bring the Eucharist to them, thus easing their burden. Our visits provide encouragement and help them feel connected to their parish family. Many of the residents express their appreciation for being remembered by our visits and prayers. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in this important ministry? The time commitment is modest ~ approximately two (2) hours a month to bring the Eucharist to residents on Sunday morning after Mass. We also have a need to visit homebound parishioners at their homes, which can be done during the week. Please contact Rick Burgess at (linked below).
Sharing love and warmth through knitted and crocheted prayer shawls.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinators: Chris Wells and Mary Edsall-Golway
We are looking for people who would be willing to knit or crochet prayer shawls for distribution, with prayers, to people who would benefit from the love and warmth knitted or crocheted into these shawls. You could make these on your own, or in a group, using patterns provided or your own. IF YOU DON’T KNIT OR CROCHET – Perhaps you would be willing to donate toward the yarn, needles, etc. for use by a knitter or crotchetier? Contact Chris Wells or Mary Edsall-Golway
The mission and work of the Service Team is to help those who are less fortunate.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Margaret Rolfe
Each year we try to reach out to as many people as possible and, with the help of our parishioners, we have managed to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Backpack Program
Collect donations of backpacks and school supplies for children in need to help them succeed both educationally and socially. Donations are managed and distributed by the Children’s Services Unit at the Tompkins County Department of Social Services.
Harvest Bag Program
Collect monetary donations which are used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables for the residents of Titus Towers. The bags are packed and delivered with the help of ICC volunteers.
Giving Tree Program
We work with Birth Right to provide baby items for their outreach, and partner with Tompkins County Department of Social Services Home finding Unit to give gifts to teens that are in institutional residential placement facilities and for families where the children are being cared for by family members other than their parents.
Donations to Catholic Charities
Prepare and distribute Lenten bags for offering to Catholic Charites.
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:15pm in the Parish Hall. Contact: Margaret Rolfe at (linked below)
Coordinators: Denise Robinson and Ted Capogrossi
For 20 years, Immaculate Conception Parish has been helping the community through the Food Pantry.
The Pantry was opened nearly 20 years ago.
We are the only Food Pantry in Tompkins County that serves ALL people EVERY week.
We serve between 120-150 families per week.
We set up in the Parish Hall on Mondays.
We receive 1-2 pallets of food from the Southern Tier Food Bank.
Volunteers pick up groceries on Tuesday morning.
Food is distributed Tuesdays from 1:00-2:00pm.
Community Partners include: Wegmans, TOPS, Ithaca Bakery, Panera, Greenstat, Lansing Market, PC Fresh, 7-11, BJs, Local Farms and CSAs
Committed to Praying for Priests
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Jan Nye
The Mission: The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop—a “holy wasting” (cf. Matthew 25:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. Each participant commits to one hour of prayer, one day a week for the pastor of their church. At Immaculate, we use the hour to pray for Father Chumo and his intentions, as he shepherds our church and parishioners.
Although the ministry is called “Seven Sisters”, it is not restricted to women. Men may also participate. We ask each participant to commit to a specific day of the week, but the time is decided by the participant. Ideally, the prayer happens in the parish church in front of the Tabernacle, but the holy hour can be prayed in any quiet location if it’s not possible to get to the church. The Apostolate has suggestions for prayers, but there are no rules or specific prayers that must be said. The participant decides how and what s/he wants to pray. The only requirement is that the hour of prayer is dedicated to the parish priest. We currently have commitments for all seven days of the week, but if you’re interested in participating in the ministry as a substitute, or possibly in the future, please contact Jan Nye at (linked below).
A Prayer for Priests, (USCCB):
Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation, set their souls on fire with love for your people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen.
A Catholic men’s program.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Rick Burgess
The Exodus90 program for Catholic men is designed to help you break out of the spiritual doldrums and to grow closer to the Lord. The program starts 90 days before Easter, and combines prayer, asceticism and fraternity. All these elements taken together lead to freedom: the freedom to say NO to those things that enslave us and to say YES to GOD, your family and your community. Though we began the 90 day exercise in January, it is not too late to join us during Lent! We have one group based solely in Ithaca that meets in person and one that includes men from both Ithaca and around the region that meets via zoom. Both groups meet on Saturday mornings. The zoom group continues meeting year-around as a men’s prayer group when we are not doing the Exodus 90 exercise. To learn more, contact Rick Burgess at (linked below).
Following the path of Divine Mercy as taught by St. Faustina.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Bridgid Cooper
Do you want to deepen your faith through study of scripture and Catechism of the Catholic Church, progress on your journey to sainthood by following the path of Divine Mercy as taught by St. Faustina? Do you want to join a small group of fellow parishioners to pursue these goals, as well as to share song, prayer, personal insights from the readings and works of mercy? If so, Immaculate Conceptions Divine Mercy Cenacle is for you. The Cenacle meets every other Tuesday evening at 6pm in the Parish Center. Contact (linked below) for more info and how to get started.
Ministry Profile:
Coordinator: Trish Burgess
Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) is a Catholic apostolate originating in the Archdiocese of Denver. Endow calls women together to study the important documents of the church as well as the lives of the female Doctors of the Church. Through Endow groups, women encounter their identity as daughters of God, enabling them to grow in their faith and ultimately discover their mission in life. As a group we strive to cultivate deep friendships through our readings and discussion. Each Endow Study is an 8-12 week commitment. The Method is simple: gather together, read the chapter aloud and discuss the questions at the end of each section. There is no preparation and no homework required. Please see Endow Groups for more information and for study guide topics. Most recently we studied the lives and teaching of St.Therese of Liseaux and St. Teresa Benedicta of the Child Jesus (Edith Stein). Our local Endow group is in its third year, and we are a mix of women – some of us new to the faith, new to Immaculate Conception and others who have grown up in this parish. If you are looking for a place to grow in faith and relationship with Christ and others, please contact Trish at (linked below) and join us on Wednesday evenings.
“It’s not just a study group–I feel my spiritual life has grown/deepened from hearing others’ experiences and being able to share some of my own. And I’ve made new friends through the group.”
-long-time parishioner of Immaculate Conception and
Endow group member
contact Liz Burns
Please refer to the Bulletin for news and events related to these local organizations and chapters.
"Birthright is committed to providing confidential, non-judgmental support to any woman who is pregnant or thinks she might be pregnant, no matter her age, race, circumstances, religion, marital status or financial situation. Birthright is a charitable organization that relies on the dedication, time and talents of volunteers and the generosity of donations to ensure it can persevere in supporting pregnant women."
"We support all people in need and advocate for social justice and human dignity in partnership with the Diocese of Rochester and the greater community."
"Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community."
"We respond to the Gospel invitation of Jesus, and the example of Catherine McAuley, to minister to God’s children who are experiencing poverty, illness, or lack of education by living out the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy. We incorporate these values into our daily lives and share the unique mission of Mercy in our homes, workplaces, churches, and communities."
113 N Geneva Street Ithaca, NY | 607-273-6121 | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Please call 607-273-6121 if you or a loved one is hospitalized, and/or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites).
With today's weather (2/6/2025) and the Ithaca City School District being closed, the Immaculate Conception parish office will be closed today. We will still hold Mass in the church at 12:10 p.m. today, but as always please be careful. Stay safe and warm everyone.
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