Sanctuary area with Tabernacle, Altar and High Altar during Ordinary time

What is the Eucharistic Revival?

The US Catholic Church has entered a three-year movement focused on Eucharistic Revival that began in June on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Chartered by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the movement is designed to restore Catholic’s belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

The task of the Eucharistic Revival is to foster a culture where the church becomes ever more what the Church is called to be: a communion of love that keeps alive the memory of salvation offered by Jesus Christ, empowering men and women to live this Eucharistic life in the world.

If you would like to contribute a Eucharistic reflection, testimony, book review, etc. to our Eucharistic Revival announcements, or if you have any other ideas for our Eucharistic Revival Committee, please contact us at

Eucharistic Testimony:
Bulletin Inserts

Every other week, a Eucharistic testimony from a fellow parishioner of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is provided in the bulletin. A copy of the most recent insert is provided here, along with a link to an archive folder which includes all of the previous bulletin inserts for your perusal. 



The Eucharistic Miracles
of the World

A showing of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibit was presented one weekend each month from August 2023 through November 2023 at Immaculate Conception Church.  This beautiful and amazing exhibit was developed by Blessed Carlos Acutis, a very devout young Italian boy who was steadfast in his belief in the Real Presence Christ in the Eucharist.  Carlo died from leukemia at the age of fifteen, but his legacy of faith continues in this exhibit also presented at the Vatican and documented in a beautiful book available on Amazon and through The Real  The Knights of Columbus Ithaca Council sponsored the purchase of the exhibit.  The Eucharistic Revival Committee organized its presentation at Immaculate Conception.

A Priest stands next to a poster: Vatican International Exhibit. The Eucharistic Miracles of the World. In Parish Hall

Recommended Resources

Summary of Eucharistic Books

This Is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival by Bishop Robert Barron

Elements of the Catholic Mass

Many thanks to all who took part in the video and discussion series, The Elements of the Catholic Mass. The 31 episodes, each only about 3-5 minutes in length provided new insights, fostered discussion and helped us reach a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Mass. Our parish is truly blest to be able to celebrate the Eucharist often, even on a daily basis. The Committee is looking for parishioners willing to read a book on the Eucharist and summarize key ideas in a one-page summary to share with fellow parishioners during our Year of the Parish. Please share your gifts, knowledge, understanding and kindness to help our community grow in their faith. Please contact Dan Carney at: or the Office. Many thanks in advance for your help!

The Real Presence

We would like to suggest another source of spiritual insight regarding the Eucharist. The Real Presence by St. Peter Julian Eymard is an excellent collection of reflections on Jesus’ immense love for us in the Holy Eucharist. The book contains dozens and dozens of reflections on various aspects of the Eucharist and how Jesus reveals His Divine Love and presence through it. All the reflections are short but powerful, making for excellent reading in private, before Mass, or in Eucharistic Adoration.

"If Angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion."

Standing at the Altar

A story by Fr. Michael Metz published on the National Eucharistic Revival website and recommended by Maureen Seely. Fr. Metz draws upon Pope Benedict XVI’s thinking about how faith helps us in our relationship to the Eucharist. 

“The Holy Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus. After this, there is nothing more but Heaven itself.”

How to Get More out of Holy Communion

“How to get more out of Holy Communion” is a book that is highly recommended as spiritual reading. St. Peter Eymard, a saint who greatly loved the Eucharist, writes several chapters on how to properly prepare for Holy communion. Each chapter is short enough to be read in a few minutes before Mass, but each page will greatly increase your love for Jesus in the Eucharist. This is because St. Peter Eymard clearly reveals how much Jesus loves us, and how great He is to give Himself to us in the Eucharist every day and in our tabernacles!

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Word on Fire

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is an organization founded by Bishop Robert Barron to help bring about the New Evangelization of the world called for by Pope St. John Paul II. From their many excellent videos, online articles, books, and homilies devoted to proclaiming the Catholic faith, Word on Fire has collected much of their content related to the Eucharist onto a single webpage. This week, as you continue your study of the Eucharist along with our parish community, the Eucharistic Revival committee invites you to read the main text of the page on the Eucharist (which is short!) and explore at least one of the many videos, articles, homilies, and podcasts linked on the page. With a wide variety of lengths and levels of explanation, there is something there for everyone to learn more about the Eucharist!

The Hour that Will Change Your Life

In this video,  Fr. Mike Schmitz shares his experiences and the true intimacy that the Lord offers us in the Eucharist.