Mass Times:
Monday: 12:10 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 12:10 pm
Friday: 7:00 am
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am
Sunday: 10:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
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We are a Roman Catholic Church located at 113 N. Geneva Street in Ithaca, NY. Whether you are a long-time parishioner or a first time visitor, we’re glad you are here. This is where we gather to meet as brothers and sisters to share our Catholic faith, worship and encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ through the Eucharist. We strive to make our parish a community of God’s love, and communion of hearts. Please join us!
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The Eucharistic Revival Committee & the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a panel event on Sunday, October 13th after the 8:30am Mass in the Parish Hall. Please join us to hear about the experiences of three parishioners (Beth, John Paul, and Anne Clark) who attended the National Eucharistic Congress in Indiana this summer! Light refreshments will be served.
Coffee Hours will resume in October, however there is a new update on the schedule. Coffee Hours will only be held once a month EXCEPT January and April and continue through June 2025. Dates are 10/27, 11/10, 12/1, 2/2, 3/2, 5/4 and 6/1. We are asking any and all Committees, Ministries and/or families to please sign up to host so we can have a completed schedule by August. Please contact the Parish Office to request a date.
Setting the World Ablaze
ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) Study of St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church
Starting on September 18th
Wednesdays at 7pm in the Parish Hall
Setting the World Ablaze
Endow Study of St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church.
Starting on September 18th, Wednesdays at 7pm in the Parish Hall
To expand the information below, select the title or the arrow.
Let’s all take care of our church by observing the following:
The goal is to keep the church in order to serve its purpose effectively: a sacred place of prayer with minimal distractions. We thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.
This fall the Service Team will once again sponsor the Harvest Bag Program for the residents of Titus Towers. This will be our eighth year providing these residents with fresh fruits and vegetables during the holiday season.
Look for us after Masses the weekends of September 28/29 and October 5/6 when we will be collecting monetary donations. Any dollar amount is appreciated. You can donate online here. It is through your generosity and support that we are able to continue with this ministry.
Please see the bulletin for more information.
New Eucharistic Minister Training will be conducted by Deacon George Kozak on Saturday, October 5 after the 4:30pm Mass and on Sunday, October 6 after the 10:30am Mass. If you cannot attend either session, please contact Deacon George at to schedule a time to meet.
Coffee Hours will resume in October, however there is a new update on the schedule. Coffee Hours will only be held once a month EXCEPT January and April and continue through June 2025. Dates are 10/27, 11/10, 12/1, 2/2, 3/2, 5/4 and 6/1. We are asking any and all Committees, Ministries and/or families to please sign up to host so we can have a completed schedule by August. Please contact the Parish Office to request a date. Our Marian Masses on the first Saturday of the month will resume also in September. These were always well attended and featured our Children’s choir. First Friday Adoration and Saturday Holy Hour will resume in October. Friday Adoration is from 5-8pm on the 1st Friday of every month; we will encourage parishioners to sign up to cover each hour for this to happen, and Holy Hour will continue on Saturdays from 2-3:30pm. Night Song will also resume in October and are on the 2nd Thursday of each month beginning at 8pm. This is always a wonderful way to end the day and relax and reflect.
This year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal is getting underway. The theme for this year is “Extending Christ’s Mission”. Anyone wishing to get a head-start on their contributions, the Mailing Envelopes are available. Letters to Parishioners will be getting underway soon as well. We pray for the CMA’s success in our Parish!
Pictured are the recently installed entrance gates at Mount Olivet Cemetery. The gates were removed many years ago due to their deteriorating condition. They were repaired, refurbished, repainted and stored at Calvary for several years. A few years ago we received notice from Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Rochester that grant money was available to diocesan cemeteries for needed upkeep to historical cemeteries. We received some grants to use at Mt. Olivet: to reroute a stream that was damaging several graves; to repair & reset dozens of headstones that had toppled over or otherwise damaged, and to re install the beautiful original entrance gates. A local company was engaged to manufacture the upright posts & the unique hinges, and another to install the posts and hang the gates. The grant money plus an anonymous gift from a respected parishioner covered all the costs of this project.
Mt. Olivet, the original cemetery for Immaculate Conception Church, was opened around 1860 and was active until the 1940’s. It was originally part of the Driscoll Brothers quarry. It is located on Rt. 79, in the 900 block of E. State St. Many founding and supporting families of Immaculate Conception as well as several priests serving the parish are buried at Mt. Olivet. We found a partial list of persons buried at Mt. Olivet and will make it available at the parish office. There is renewed interest to maintain Mt. Olivet as a respected & honorable burial ground for deceased members of our parish. Basic mowing, trimming and maintenance expenses are currently paid by Calvary Cemetery revenues, although this is becoming a bigger challenge. Any further support of Mt. Olivet is always appreciated & welcomed. As always, we recognize the efforts & dedication of our Cemetery Committee.
The ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) group will be starting up again on September 19th, and all women are invited to join. For the next 8-10 weeks, we will be reading about and discussing St. Catherine of Siena, one of the four female Doctors of the Church. If you are looking for a new way to grow in your faith through the study of a remarkable saint’s life and teaching, please consider joining us in the Parish Hall on Wednesdays at 7pm. Please contact Trish at if you have any questions.
Please visit the music ministry page for details on available opportunities and rehearsal times.
Have you lost anything or left something in the pews? It is probably well kept in the lost and found basket. There are precious items in the basket. Kindly stop by the lost and found basket located on the northern side of the church and see what is in there. It is full and we need to empty it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
Your voice matters. If you have a suggestion, good idea around the pastoral goals of the parish; spiritual opportunities, outreach/community building, youth and family, buildings/grounds, cemetery and financial matters, kindly stop by the pastoral council meetings that occur every first Thursday of each month. You will be listened to because you love your parish.
Definition of the Liturgy Committee: The Liturgy Committee is a standing committee of the Parish dedicated to the promotion of active participation in worship. The overall purpose of the Liturgy Committee is to assist the parish in preparing and providing for the spiritual development of the members of the parish through liturgical celebrations and significant prayer experiences. The Liturgy Committee is active and helpful in recruiting and training liturgical ministers, preparing parish liturgies and prayers, setting parish policy drawing from the diocesan policy, along with educating the parish in issues of liturgy. Therefore, the Liturgy Committee assists the pastor and pastoral staff in forming and maintaining a vision of liturgy, which is truly the center of the life of the parish. This committee will meet 4 times in a year (quarterly).
These are the meetings dates: September 21st
November 27th
February 27th
The fourth date is yet to be determined.
Time: 6 PM, Venue: parish hall.
Contact Fr. Chumo if you are interested in serving the parish in this endeavor.
Our lost and found basket is at the rear of the church before the Vestibule area.
Confessions are heard every Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30pm in the Church.
Call 273-6121 to receive this Sacrament or if your loved one is in the hospital.
For Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation email Rich at for information or to register.
Call 607-273-6121 at least 6 months in advance of your wedding date.
First-time Visitor?
The parish of Immaculate Conception welcomes you. And we thank you for being here!! Let us know if you need anything. We wish you all of God’s blessings for choosing to celebrate the Eucharist with us. May the intercession of our Blessed Mother obtain for you the graces you need to live your Christian vocation.
Your presence in our congregation is a true blessing. As we welcome your ideas and presence, may our love and faith in Christ increase during our time together. Subscribe to our Facebook page or Parish app. Contact the parish office for all your spiritual needs.
Long-time Parishioner?
For our faith-filled parishioners, thank you for being salt and light to our parish and greater community! We hope our website is another way to stay connected with all our parish has to offer. Talk to members of the parish pastoral council and other ministries to explore opportunities to share your talents.
Pastor of Immaculate Conception
Supporting Vocations
In talking about the importance of vocations, this year, it is wonderful to remember that our diocese now has eight seminarians.
The “good news” is that despite all the challenges both inside the church and outside in society, we are seeing outstanding men of faith exploring seriously their vocation to the priesthood in our diocese. One of the important factors in this marvelous group of men is the work of the Vocations Office of our diocese, which sponsors many activities and programs of support. These activities and others have been a very moving experience for many young men in our diocese. In terms of the vocation of marriage, the diocese and our parish do extensive work in helping couples prepare for marriage through Pre-Cana and other marriage enrichment opportunities. We are also blessed to have Deacons assigned to our parishes because of being sent here by our Bishop. Much of this is possible because of the CMA, and the support of our vocations and clergy & deacon personnel through our diocese.
We all need to begin to help parents, grandparents, and other family member of our parish see the crucial role they have in fostering and encouraging their sons/daughters to think and pray about a vocation to priesthood, diaconate, religious life, or the Sacrament of Marriage. Have you ever asked, encouraged, or prayed for one of your family members about their religious vocation? Let us now begin to find ways to create and cultivate “a culture of vocations” in our parish, so that we may be known throughout the diocese, as a place where all vocations flourish, especially as we celebrate, once again, National Vocation Awareness week (in the beginning of November). These vocation programs are supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal. So, whether it is supporting the Vocations Office through being generous stewards of our treasure by giving to this year’s CMA or promoting vocations in the parish with other endeavors, we undertake these efforts because, we want to be “Extending Christ’s Mission.”
Authored by Fr. Jim Hewes
In receiving the body of Christ we are strengthened to be the body of Christ in the world.
The Blessed Mother, Mary. is our parish patroness and the true model of faith. We honor her through prayers of intercession.
Our mission includes striving to be a community of God's love and service in our community and the world.
Father Chumo hears confessions each Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:30 pm. This is a healing sacrament enjoyed by many, so come early!
21 beautiful stained glass windows of the Saints are visible around our church building.
You'll find a vibrant faith community where ideas are welcome and many hands help to bring them to fruition.
Photos courtesy of Claudia Ariza-Nieto, the Brooks family, the Rasmussen family, Erik West, and Anne Woodard
113 N Geneva Street Ithaca, NY | 607-273-6121 | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Please call 607-273-6121 if you or a loved one is hospitalized, and/or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites).
Birthright is in great need of maternity clothes. They could particularly use larger sizes. If you have any larger sized maternity clothes that you would like to donate, please contact Birthright at 607-272-9070. They are almost always in need of diapers if you are able to help in that way as well. Thank you for your generosity and care for mothers who need our support.
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